Monday, December 13, 2010

French, Genius

Many of you may know Chris? Chris Axel who had a second major in French, and lived in France for 9 months in college, and over 5 months after college? I've been regaled with stories of recent years when he has bumped into and talked with French people at a bar, or stayed up talking French with Ingrid when she was in town - almost as if he can still speak the language.


The toaster in our condo worked a few times, but then died. So, on our run to Walmart, we decided to buy a cheapie toaster. As it turns out all of the toasters on the middle shelves were $40-$60. We're standing there thinking we'd really like a $10 toaster. Looking for a cheaper toaster, Jodi kneels down and on the ground and finds this great box for $12 on the bottom shelf.

To which Chris says, "no, we can't get that - that's a 'Grill Pan' ".

To which Jodi says, "uh, that's the French label, genius."

We are in Canada, afterall. Grille = Toast. Pain = bread. The toaster works great!